Sunday, October 3, 2010

Right place at the right time...

WHAt! God is nuts! I love how he works.. Wanna hear this story??Okays... I'll tells yous...

So Hillsong is awesome but.....
I mean don't get me wrong, their worship is amazing, but their messages are okay and I just wasn't feeling challenged.
So this Sunday morning I decided to go check out Holy Trinity Brompton which I heard good reviews about from some people back home in Philly.
Got up a lil early, had a piece of toast with neutella and some coffee(mmmmmm:D). Sat down and read the Proverb of the day and got ready.. The chapter focused a lot on trusting in the Lord, believing in him for what is unseen. Well that was put to test as I left for church giving myself exactly 20 minutes to walk there when google-maps said it was gonna take exactly 20 minutes.. Welllll, on the way there I got a lil bit lost. PANIC!... ok nooo calm down Lisha what did you just read about this morning!
Took a deep breath and called up Joanna and to ask her if she can help me figure out where I am... Not only did she get me there but I had 3 minutes to spare.. God is good!

The service was sooooo good. They sang "The Stand"! Love that song..
Anyways.. worship was excellent and really anointed.. They even did some free worship which was refreshing:) Message again, excellent.. Right on and really enlightening.

After I got some prayer afterwards I am walking out of the sanctuary.. just taking my good ol' time... I felt the urge to look up.. examining the room and the balcony I scroll across to see the German Newlyweds I met at Hillsong! I loved them and it seemed like we really had a connection last time we met. Also, I was planning on getting coffee with Gina in the next week.. They saw me and we met down stairs. Such a great surprise! He told me that last night he had a dream that they both saw me and we were all hanging out and talking... Talk about being in the right place at the right time! God is so good!

We then got lunch and had a great intellectual conversation.. Sitting in a Lebanese restaurant, we had an American Messianic Jew, 2 Germans-one of whom has a Christian mother and an Islamic father.. the conversation was fascinating.. Talking about God and the hardships in witnessing to our own people.. What an riveting journey I am on! So much to take in all the time!!

What next?? Well tonight I am gonna have dinner with all the girls from the Temple Program, yes, all 25 of us. That actually.. as of right now.. might not happen for me.. A girl from the program was thrown on her head last night... long story... and she might need to go to the hospital.. So tonight will either me a night of delicious Spanish food or hospital while helping her also work on a school presentation that needs to be ready for the next day:)

Never a boring moment in London :D

O and keep praying for safety for all of us traveling since the terrorists risk in tourists locations all over Europe has just gone up...


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Saved By the Bell....

Did I mention I went to Edinburgh last weekend!
Let me just break down this trip of wonderful-ness:)

Got there on Thursday at 8:30 in the morning after a 9 hour bus ride. No, the bus ride was not fun. I didn't sleep and my butt kept going numb..but did I care? Ehhh, some... then again, I was headed to Scotland:)
Moving on... Couldn't check in till two so we left our bags at the hostel(Castle Rock Hostel- just a couple steps away from the Castle) and went on a 3 hour free walking tour with a hilarious guide Owen.. It might have been pouring but we weren't going to waist any time! We got to see and do so many things on the tour. Like spitting on the Heart of Midlothian.. so fun and yea I kinda felt cool haha
In the picture you can see how wet my boots were... sadly it got way worse.. lets just say I bought rain boot immediately after the tour :D The whole tour was great tho.. I learned so much of the history in Edinburgh. Stories about Maggie Dickson, how the "Last Drop" pub got its name, and where the term s***faced originated from(so hilarious!). O and I cannot forget! I saw the window J.K. Rowling wrote the first 2 harry potters books!
And the cemetery where she got many of the names for the characters!:D
After the tour we walked around and checked out all the vintage shops and thrift stores which had incredible stuff and ya know me.. I'm always ready to go thrift or vintage shipping:D

It was crazy on the inside! soo gorgeous!

There are a bunch of little museums within the castle and one of them focused on the history of the military uniforms.. Can I just say that I got inspired to make a whole clothing line based off of military clothing.. I mean some people go to the castle for its history and all that stuff.. but the uniforms!!!! The number of pictures I took just so I could start sketching a line is kinda sad:X
I also got to see Queen Mary's Chamber and the little room she gave birth to James.. Out of all the space she could of had in the castle, she pretty much lived here in order to stay safe.. craziness..
I was standing at the door when I took this picture. The only other thing you can not see is the window on the left side of the picture.

That night we hit up some Band-oke.. Karaoke with a band! So fun! I got up to sing Mercy by Duffy
Why don't we have Band-oke back home?!?!?

Hiking! the next day we walked around the city a lil and then hiked up Aurthur's Seat. ABSOLUTELY BREATH TAKING!

I wanna go back!!! So much more to see!

So.. now onto the random stuff that I always like to just throw in here:D..
1. We met so many people in Scotland.. Scots you say? No, but plenty of Kiwis! I dunno how that happened but whatever:) Everyone was so nice:D
2. I wanted to by EVERYTHING plaid by the time I left Scotland
3. I fell in love with their doors.. yes.. IIIII said it..their doors.. Here are my 2 favorite ones:D The second shot is a little cut off.. I was in a hurry taking it:)
do you see a theme??... :)

So I guess you are wondering why I titled this "Saved by the Bell"... well now that you have been reading so patiently I shall tell you:D
On the walking tour we went through a cemetery. In this cemetery we were told of many stories where scratch marks were found on the inside of coffins, proving that people were thought to be dead but eventually woke up from their deep sleep to find themselves buried alive. Well.. this was not a good thing and the city came up with a solution. Just in case they were wrong when they thought grandma died and she was in fact just taking a nap, they would tie a string to her finger and leave it above ground attached to a bell. If she woke up, she would automatically start screaming and flailing her hands, thus she would then be... you guessed it.. Saved by the bell!!! AHHH!!! So fun!

The trip wrapped up with a 10 hour bus ride home.. the last extra hour, due to traffic, drove me nuts! I wanted to get off so bad I was about to start running up and town the isle of the bus.. and yes.. butt still went numb haha

Just a quick lil blurb on my day today.. I went to Buckingham Palace.. Lets just say the queens got the life.. I wouldn't mind getting invited to one of her Garden Parties... :D

Ok guys! Love you all! I am headed to Oxford tomorrow to do some more site seeing and take tons of pictures! I'll be heading out in about 7 hours so I gotsta sleep!

But as always,


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm Tiny...

Seriously.... traveling brings such great perspective on my life! it's just crazy...
Philly, yea that's my home.. I got all my peoples... family, jew crew, temple friends, high school friends... plus more.

Traveling in London reminded me that I am just 1 person in this crazy big world... How exciting! Getting lost in the numbers of people.. no one knowing my face.. I could do anything and it wouldn't matter who was watching because these people will most likely never see my face again...

Hence my desire to do things I just never got around to back home.. For example-Belly dancing class tonight! SO EXCITED! Maybe I'll dye my hair some color I have always wanted..Horse back riding in some park... Sing at an open mic night....Find the swing and salsa dancing clubs and dance all night! Getting out of my normal routine allows me to just go! I plan on opening up the map of London and going to wherever the tip of my finger reaches that piece of paper.. Sounds crazy? Sounds weird? Maybe it is.. haha

But this is a once in a life time experience! When this is all over, I want to be able to say I did everything I could, I got to see everything, I got to meet amazing people, but most importantly I let God guide me and teach me...

Next big journey will lead me to Athens, Santorini, and Barcelona. For now.. London's got so much to offer anyone.. I guess I'll just keep divin in:)



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shakespeare in the Globe Theatre.. check.

One of the great aspects of studying abroad as a communications major is that all my classes are super easy. How so you ask??Instead of class I attended a hilarious Shakespeare play in the Globe Theatre titled: Merry Wives of Windsor... HILARIOUS! 3 hours in the yard standing section was a little tough and I almost left half way through because there is so much to do before Scotland and I was tired. So what do you think I did? U think I left don't you! Nope nope, I stayed and it was the the best decision I made! The second half was more funny than the first and I just laughed the whole way through. Did I mention I was in the GLOBE THEATRE? O I did... oo.. awkward...

Anyways.... hung out with Natasha for the first half of the day in Oxford Circus! Thai food, frozen yogurt, and awesome street side performers...So fun! great pictures soon to come on facebook:)

About that count down to Scotland.. Fail.. I didn't post a blog yesterday and I actually leave tomorrow night, not Thursday day, like I origionally thought. I will be taking a 9 hour over night bus ride and then I will arrive early in the morning to enjoy the expected showers and check in to the hostel that again.. is located right next to a Castle:) AHH I can't wait!!!

Update on sickness.. from 1 to 5, 1 not being sick at all and 5 being really sick.. I'm a 2.. Almost there!

Another random fact of the day... belly dancing Tuesday for 5 pounds! AHH can't wait.. I got some of the girls on my flat to join so.. wooohoo!:D

The last thing I wanted to share on here is that my friend Andrew (who plays the guitar and has an awesome voice!) and I jammed a little tonight and plan on performing a concert at the end of the semester for all of Temple London study abroad students and anyone else who wants to listen! SO FUN! We will test out some of our stuff a head of time at an open mic night somewhere but I just cant wait!


Sunday, September 19, 2010


What is it with the Nutella that makes it so amazing!!!?!!! Thank God that it is not as big of a deal in the US as it is every where else in the world. But everyone here has it so of course.. I "had" to partake in it.. ughhh the agony.. why must it have a control over me! haha

on a lighter note.. I found a place to go for the Neilah Service and it was so great-grant it, it was in a families house and I could count the number of people in the room with two hands (including myself)- but that is besides the point! I was with Messianics and it was beautiful:) Such a welcoming group and it gave a real sense of home so Yom Kippur ended well:)

Now today, being the Sunday that it is and the wrap up of the third week here in London, was AWESOME!.. "Wanna know why? I'll tell you vwhy.."(anyone know that End of The World video? No? No one? ok.. anyways......) Because Hillsong is awesome that is why! Except I am always so exhausted afterwards, you know, all that socializing and junk.. . Its fun! But I just want to get back and take a nappers:)

Monday is coming.. no wait its heres (12:37 am).. and it brings new beginnings!

Did I mention I am going to Scotland this weekend! HECK YES! In four days I will be hiking the hills of Edinburgh and riding horses through the Highlands while spend my nights sleeping next to a castle...

Life is so hard! Theriouthly!

Count Down For THE SCOTLAND ADVENTURE: 4 days.......


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day to Atone

Yom Kippur, a holiday I began to appreciate only four or five years ago, has come. For the first time I am spending the holiest day of the year away from all family or friends who would celebrate it with me. Instead I am surrounded by people who do not fully understand the importance of this day and how it affects my walk with the Lord... yet I am blessed to have this challenge. The Lord sent His son on my behalf so that I may see his love and lean on him on days like these.

Fasting is an issue because I am still sick and need some drugs. :) So a slice of bread is gonna have to do so my tummy doesn't get more upset:)

So what will I do today? I wanted to go to a Messianic Synagogue buuuuttttttttt..... I slept through my alarm:( After getting upset at myself I thought to myself...

"God just wants me all to himself!" ..... :)

... So what am I to do now? How do I celebrate Yom Kippur in the comfort of my bunk bed?(surprisingly it is comfortable:D). Flat mates are moving around.. coming and going while I sit here wondering what to do with my day. A challenge, one of the first since I got to London, that I am excited to see where it will take me in the end..

Today I will spend the day looking up and thanking the Lord for all he has done. Not one moment will I be alone cause.. well you know.. he's sittin right here with me:)

Here we go.. day of atonement.. I'm here. With or without other messianics.. I got my eye on you Lord and you got a hold of me:D

Friday, September 17, 2010

London Toowwwwnnn!

o almost three full weeks in and I decided it would be fun to start up a blog.
Tons has happened already but I will start you off with the beginning of this week.

Besides people driving on "the right side of the road" as opposed to the side that the entire world drives on and almost dying countless times because I forget which way to look before I cross, London is fantastic! -Accents-Leather Boots-Big Ben-London Eye-Hyde Park-Regents Park- PrimeMark- DOGGIES!-Frisbee-Bikers(even though I can't bike)-Runners-Cigars-Indian food-Nescafe-And so much more! I love it all!

What have I been up to???

Lets start with Sunday-HIllSONG!!! Second time going and I loved it! It was amazing! Its like a concert but not, its worship. The message was good, not great, but I am still excited about it:) I think the message could be terrible but I would still love it because their worship is insanely amazing!!!

Monday and Wednesday -Classes, so easy! nough said

Yesterday was so fun! DuuDuu came in town for the say and we went to Camden and headed strait to the the Camden Lock Market. AMAZING! Vintage-Thrift Cubbies-Discounted Clothes-Paintings too big too bring home but so cheap it might be worth the try-Lastly, adorable old suitcases I wanted to take with me and just stack-pile high in my room.. ohhh what I would do if it was easy to send things home! Oh and did I tell you that half of the market takes place in old horse stables! love it!

Our next excusion took us to Regents Park.. Can you said Gorgeous! Cause I can!:) Absolutely amazing! We just walked around, got coffee in the "Queens Garden Cafe", and took pictures:)
We took the tube back to my place, unloaded the heavy bag of fruit I thought was a good idea to buy in Camden Lock Market, and then went to
Hyde Park Gate, set up camp to watch the sunset
while smoking a cigar.. Ahhh the life:)
Dinner brought fish'n'chips at Gloucester
Arms followed by a farewell to Dave and
relaxtion for the rest of the night.

Got sick this week so everyday I said I would run but thought it would be healthier to stay back and relax.. yet everyone in my flat is getting sick! so I think I just need to GET OUT! Hense, today my adventure will be bus hopping and finding the best coffee shop for devo time:) Who knows where I will end up, the people I will meet, or the things I will see..

I'll let you know:)
